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Friday, November 5, 2010

My Blessings Part 2

So I got creative last week and tried to play the guitar because I really wanted to use it for primary . . .let's just say that I'm not a stellar as I hoped I would be after all these years!  Then I remembered that one of the Elders in our ward played in a band before he came on a mission. . .so it was an awesome opportunity to get the missionaries in Primary and get the guitar!  So last Sunday I told the kids that because they had been working so hard on our "8 song Race" to prepare for the Primary Program that we were taking a vacation and were not going to be singing any Primary Songs for the whole day!!!  I then introduced them to my "band" and we learned to sing "My Blessings" with the guitar and then with the guitar and piano.  It went really well and to top it off I had the other missionary in the companionship bear his testimony of music and gratitude and blessings!  It was an awesome Sunday.  The song is really quite easy for the kids to learn and in Sr. Primary they learned it good enough to sing both parts together . . .remember don't underestimate these little souls!!

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